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  • Transience is an enemy

    06 March 2020

    Transience is often the enemy of community. If you have a city of migrants you often have people completely disconnected from everyday politics. I lived in London(for work, not university) where I had a lot of friends, but no reason to go back because...

  • We are all doomed!

    04 March 2020

    From what we know of the coronavirus it's highly contagious but 80% of those who succumb to it only have mild to moderate symptoms.It's the over 60's and those with chronic health problems who're the most likely to have more serious symptoms and ultimately...

  • Coronavirus from surface contamination

    03 March 2020

    We already know that few coronavirus actually come from surface contamination - and it would be a good guess a lot of those are the 10% of people who don't wash their hands in toilets, or the 1/3 who don't use soap. If you have good hand hygiene and don't...

  • A pandemic- What is it all about?

    02 March 2020

    A pandemic is defined as worldwide spread of a new disease – but the exact threshold for declaring one is quite vague. In practice, the actions being taken would not change whether or not a pandemic is declared. Containment measures are not simply about...

  • Avoid unnecessary travel

    01 March 2020

    Avoid unnecessary travel Change your ICE car for electric - 2020 will see a much larger availability of affordable electric cars on the UK market Invest in a community solar farm ( one that was invested in in 2015 has given out an a guaranteed 7% dividend...

  • natural immunity to Virus

    29 February 2020

    There is one bad side to hand sanitisers - they kill all bacteria and viruses thus leaving the good bacteria no chance to fight viruses and harmful bacteria. And too much sterilisation has led to the development of MRAS and others just as feeding too...

  • Limes for a sailor

    27 February 2020

    limes were chosen over lemons for British sailors simply because limes were cheaper. Reading Pepys diaries you get a sense of the love of food returning after the enforced dourness of the protectorate. In one of the first few entries he talks about going...

  • A wee spiel on being poor

    26 February 2020

    There will always be people who are relatively poor in every country and under any system, for the individual being poor may not be inevitable, however. Of course being poor can be due to personal flaws (like gambling) and/or it can be due to misfortune....

  • Recipe to try out

    25 February 2020

    A pancake aka crepe recipe that will never fail you, guaranteed to be the best you ever had and so easy to remember. Ingredients! Easy to remember. The 3/4 rule. Simple. 3/4 cup milk, 3/4 cup flour, 4 eggs... Mix; blender, whatever suits you. LET it sit...

  • A new world of 'disruptive technology'

    22 February 2020

    Nowadays there is now a par for the course for all of the so called 'disruptive technology' it disrupts but mainly to put huge amounts of money into the hands of a very few people. Facebook, Google,Tripadvisor, Airbnb, and many more start out as apparently...

  • The country lane verge

    21 February 2020

    It is so sad that the verges in most parts of the country prove to be just convenient passing places for farmer's large four wheel drive tractors, SUVs and delivery vans. Their wholesale destruction by unconcerned drivers is turning them into mud and...

  • The country lane verge

    21 February 2020

    It is so sad that the verges in most parts of the country prove to be just convenient passing places for farmer's large four wheel drive tractors, SUVs and delivery vans. Their wholesale destruction by unconcerned drivers is turning them into mud and...

  • An environment - bad for welfare

    19 February 2020

    An interesting aspect of the population and ecosystem balance is an unbalanced population will degrade the environment. A degraded environment is bad for welfare. Where (deer) populations are balanced to allow their environment to become richer they have...

  • Waking up during night is NORMAL!

    17 February 2020

    Waking up in the night is NORMAL! Sleeping for 8 straight is NOT. If you listen to sleep scientists, they will tell you that humans are wired to sleep in 3-4 hour chunks. People used to literally go to bed "with the chickens" and wake up around 11 pm...

  • People don't hate wealth

    16 February 2020

    People don't hate wealth, they hate inequality. They hate the fact we have increasing child poverty when people a mile down the road want for nothing. Unfortunately, when people become very wealthy many go to extensive lengths to avoid tax and opt out...

  • A more balanced outlook

    15 February 2020

    Inner city, latte sipping, greenie types apparently care more about climate change than outter city, beer guzzling, red neck types (or whatever the opposite is). They vote green. They attend protests. They do a lot of "caring" and "worrying" about the...

  • A life with no regrets

    14 February 2020

    A life with no regrets No recriminations, mate. Some people always wish they had done things differently or had better luck, or keep chasing more of everything, even when things have turned out well for them. If you aren't like that, and appreciate what...

  • Borrowed languages throughout all time.

    14 February 2020

    All languages have borrowed words in, often from the dominant culture at the time, large amounts of English is descended from Latin, French, Saxon-German, and scanidinavian languages from the vikings. Lots of languages are adapting english words into...

  • Aztec Language - tragedy

    14 February 2020

    A few years ago a Professor of Linguistics discovered that there were just two speakers left of an Aztec dialect, so he raced off to this tiny & remote village in Mexico to record their conversations before the language died. The problem was that they...

  • Aztec Language - tragedy

    14 February 2020

    A few years ago a Professor of Linguistics discovered that there were just two speakers left of an Aztec dialect, so he raced off to this tiny & remote village in Mexico to record their conversations before the language died. The problem was that they...

  • The people will not revolt.

    12 February 2020

    “The people will not revolt. They will not look up from their screens” ― George Orwell, 1984 Incoming joggers who don't know whether to swerve to the left or right of you because while staring at your phone you're not walking in a straight line. Not just...

  • Plants are so easy to grow

    12 February 2020

    Plants are so easy to grow, in the home its easy to give them the conditions they need and for them to succeed in the garden plants suited to the conditions will survive and flourish. Its easy to test your garden soil, tester kits are cheap, under a tenner...

  • Three main things for Cities:-

    11 February 2020

    There are three main things that need to be done to take control of our cities roads... make it a fit and and friendly place for pedestrians, for cycles and other eco-friendly forms of individual transport... and give public transport priority over all...

  • Austerity explained : -

    10 February 2020

    Austerity is here and austerity continues, while the government tries to escape the blame by cosmetically positioning itself against its own policies This is the life within a world of Austerity dictated from above The options to us are very clear. Find...

  • Gardening is mutually nourishing,

    09 February 2020

    Gardening is mutually nourishing, you nourish it and it nourishes you which is what one thinks of when one considers the nature of love in its true sense. I think of plants, not as single entities, but as collectives. A plant leaf is similar to a flower...