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Do we really need food-energy supplements?



Unless you are planning on running/cycling/walking for OVER two or three hours -

you don't need food/energy supplements.

Mostly because by the time they are in your system you will have finished.

Generally you need eat a good hour or two BEFORE you exercise.

Also eating whilst you exercise is pretty difficult and can lead to nausea

(or at least more nausea than you were already going to be feeling - at above 70% of your max heart rate for over an hour)


Water on the other hand is essential throughout.


So if you are going to carry anything carry that.


Digesting pulpy fibrous fruit even if pureed, is hard, ditto grains and oats - especially when you are exercising hard and so liable to give you many (more)

stomach issues/ cramps /diarrhea bouts.


So what you are looking for is food that is easy to digest, and that won't give you [as many] stomach issues.


Mashed potatoes or boiled white rice, can both be made into a 'cake' with honey, or treacle, and bits of cheese, sugar, white breadcrumbs, jam or soft jelly till the cake is solid enough to carry in tin foil.
Those + energy gels + half bananas - will do the job far better than a pouch of fruit puree, or an oatcake.


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