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Winter contemplation


Just as plants grow tall

in the spring and summer,

full of energy, foliage and flowering,

then die back in the winter,

my belief is so do we.

Energy levels,

confidence and what we believe

we're capable of falls,

and I'm not sure we can do anything

useful to fight it,

or whether we should even try.

In most cases,

we're required to be economically

productive 52 weeks of the year,

which is contrary to living in tune with the seasons.

Many mammals we have much in common with hibernate in the winter

though we aren't expected to make any lifestyle concessions to radical climactic changes,

and perhaps we should.

I wouldn't see slight weight gain

as a particular problem,

if we're less active on dark winter nights

it's inevitable unless we reduce calorie intake,

not a good idea for those

of normal weight eating healthily.

A new understanding and approach

to seasonal adjustment is probably needed

beyond prescribing light boxes

and antidepressants.

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