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Tourists in Canada




Tourists in  Canada up against the Wildlife


 The silly behavior of the ever-growing tourist hordes, especially when they encounter wildlife, is almost beyond belief.


 Some people will stop their cars in the middle in the highway (pulling over seems to be beyond them) and approach wild amimals as if they are at a petting zoo.


The Simple message to Tourists to Canada : black bears, grizzly bears, their cubs and those big elk with antlers can and will charge you - and injure you - if you get too close to them.

They are not your friends, your personal selfie models, your Disney pals or your furry spirit guides.

Elk can disembowel you.

That nice black bear with cubs will defend them with her teeth and claws if you get anywhere near them.

Yes, she can outrun you.

Grizzly bears are very dangerous.

Observe from a distance

and do NOT approach them.

Be glad you have seen one, and stay far far away.


When you feed it, you train it that humans = food.

This causes animals to lose their natural fear of people, which endangers people and dooms the animals.

Same goes for garbage.

The rubbish you toss away will be eaten by wild animals - and possibly make them sick or even kill them.

These rules are all well known, and repeated often by park personnel.

To no avail, all too often.

Too many people have zero respect for wild places and seem unable to understand that the animals that live there are in their only home, in which you are a privileged visitor.

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