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The Nurse of CoronaVirus19

The Nurse of CoronaVirus19


A nurse’s job is to look after people -

  • who are ill.


Hospitals are full of sick people who need special care to help them to get better.


These sick people are called patients.


Many nurses work in hospitals, 

taking care of the patients.


Doctors in the hospitals find out 

about the patients’ illnesses.


Then the doctors tell the nurses what to do to help the patients to get better.


The nurses carry out the doctors’ orders and care for the patients 

until they are well enough to go home.


Patients who stay in hospitals 

sleep in wards.


A ward is a long room 

with many beds along each side.


In the middle of the ward there are often tables with vases of flowers on them.


Beside each bed there is a locker.


This locker has a drawer and a cupboard,

In which a patient can keep things.


Sometimes there is a set of headphones behind each bed,

So that the patients can listen to the radio when they wish.


At first patients usually 

stay in bed all the time.


The doctor visits them every day.


He talks to the nurse in charge of the ward and tells her what treatment 

to give the patients.


There is one nurse

 who is in charge of a ward.


When a patient begins to get better 

he may get up for part of the day.


Then he can sit in an armchair

 or walk about the ward

and talk to their patients

who are still in bed.


All day and night,

there are nurses in the ward,

to look after the patients.


It is the nurses job to see that the patients are given the proper food and medicine,

to help them to get well again.


The nurses are always busy.


Early in the morning 

they give the patients cups of tea.


Then they help the patients

 to wash before breakfast.


Most of the patients

 are given breakfast in bed.


After breakfast the beds are made

 and the wards are cleaned.


The nurses give the patients the medicines and tablets which they need.


In hospitals, 

patients go to sleep very early at night.


The last job of the day-nurses

is to see that all the patients

are ready for sleep.


When the day-nurses go off duty,

the night-nurse is left in charge.


The night-nurse stays awake all night 

to look after the patients.


The nurse often walks around the ward

 to see if the patients are asleep.


If someone is awake

 the nurse gives him a drink

or anything else he needs.


Sometimes the night-nurse

sits at a table,

from which they can see 

all the patients.






Virus and uncertainty 

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