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Maori Language



Māori language experts say that the Maori  language has never been more widely used, normalised or respected.


The dark days, they say, of Māori speakers being beaten and punished are long gone.


Maori is now being highly respected with lessons everywhere being conducted succesfully now that Maori songs are so popular that become top of the tops.



Google and DIsney see this revival and see that with it comes  a many a profit indeed



The Maori language of New Zealand is considered to be special language within Malayo-Polynesian language group.


Malayo-Polynesian family of languages is actually divided into four categories or sub-families – Polynesian, Melanesian, Micronesian and Indonesian.


The Maori Language belongs to eastern Polynesian languages sub-family and is relatively close to its neighboring languages.


Spectacular and worrisome part at the same time is that there are less than 10,000 fluent Maori speakers left. 


TMaori speech is a dialect of the language spoken throughout Polynesia and hence conveniently called the Polynesian language



 The Maori language is core component of Maori culture body and is the component of this culture that has very strong expressional value. 

 New Zealand has this Malayo-Polynesian language.

Ten centuries ago, many voyages or carefully planned migration with use of traditional methods of navigation, people of the Polynesian, masters of Polynesian language migrated through the oceans to Hawaii. 

Actual origin of language remains unclear, the spread of the Polynesian language was directed from Asia, not America.


Various dialects in New Zealand also indicate that very early travelers arrived from central Polynesia. 

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