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. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .............................................................................................. .......................... ............ ....................... . Education ........... ............................... ......................

Tests in Schools


 Schools in England, like those in the United States,

have struggled

under an increasing burden of testing

and assessment designed

to improve quality and to enforce

some version of national standards.

Look at  the success of Finland.

 few tests on its students

 but has consistently performed well

in exams of the Program for

International Student Assessment,

organized by the

Organization for Economic Cooperation

and Development,

the association of free market democracies.

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Perhaps English  and American parents

and policy makers

 should look at Scotland.




 Education in Scotland has long been run

differently from the rest of Britain.

While schools in England encouraged

students to specialize,

Scottish schools traditionally aimed

for a greater breadth of knowledge.

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